These Facebook Messages Have Landed A Dubai Resident In Court


A man is standing trial for threatening his former boss via Facebook and email.

An Uzbek businesswoman has accused the man of making threats on social media and has included the messages as evidence, according to the Khaleej Times.

The woman claims the Indian man said he would destroy her life and shared inappropriate and defamatory messages about her online, after he was let go from his work. While the man clamis he left his work and was not paid a financial settlement which he was due.

The woman states she dismissed him for a lack of commitment

“I had to dismiss him when he no longer showed commitment to work. He would not drop the workers at the work locations and often did not show up at work. He ignored my notice mail regarding his performance and quite often absconded from work.”

After the contract was terminated the threats began

The 34-year-old business woman started receiving mails to her inbox, where the man ‘alleged they had sex’. The man also allegedly posted messages to her Facebook page with the caption ‘she took my money and denied me of my financial rights before terminating my employment’.

The man as admitted online insult and libel charges.

The trial will resume on July 9.

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