Hold Those Tears! Because Friends Is Here To Stay On The Middle East Netflix A Little While Longer

Can we hear a YAASSS?! Because they are REALLY there for us.

Just when all Friends fans thought that this year had lost all meaning when Netflix announced the removal of the beloved comedy sitcom from the American media-services provider, BOOOM the universe pulls a googly and well Friends ain’t leaving us Dubai folks anytime soon.

Don’t believe us?? Check your Netflix accounts asap, the show that’s a MOOD for every mood is very much still there.

So basically to put ALL rumours to rest, all regions around the world will be keeping Friends except the United States.

More coffee time at Central Perk with the sixsome?! Could that BE anymore exciting!!

2020 is lookin’ good already!

Friends fans were recently devasted over the demise of Alle Willis, the American songwriter who helped write the iconic theme song, I’ll Be There For You


Thousands of fans were left devasted and took to Twitter to reassure that her evergreen work will never be forgotten

Thanks Netflix for giving us that scare there… had us all stressed up for nothing

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