A Controversial British Journalist Dubs UAE Readers ‘Loons’ And ‘Freeloaders’ In A Vile Tweet


A British journalist spotted an advert which appeared in Gulf News and her skewed comments are going viral.

Katie Hopkins, a controversial journalist and commentator whose career revolves around hate-spewing and vile sentiments spotted the ad which offers ‘UK Residency for all families – free education and free medical with other government benefits”.

The 44-year-old has spouted anti-immigration and anti-Islam comments before, tied her intolerant far-right views up with one caption in which she dubs readers ‘tea-towelled loons’, and adds that ‘freeloaders not welcome’.

“It’s not free you tea-towelled loons. British taxpayers fund it. Freeloaders not welcome.”


The comments are surprisingly on the fence

While some want Hopkins out of the UK:


There are also people who agree with her sentiments

With impending D-Day for Brexit (British exit from the EU) looming on October 31, some UK residents are looking forward to the country’s official departure from the mainland.

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