Message About Banning All Muslims From The US Removed From Trumps Website


Many Arabs wrote off any possibility of travel to the US for the next four years at least on news that Donald Trump had been elected as president of the United States. One of the messages he ran his campaign on as that he would ban all muslims entry to the US. However, unpredictability is something we have come to expect, and many observers have said that they don’t expect him to hold true to his campaign bold statements. Sure enough, his campaign team have removed the promise of banning all Muslims to the US from his website just days after his election win. According the The Independant, the link now directs to a donate section on the site and there is nothing to be found on the website about banning muslims.

Emirati public affairs commentator, Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi, posted the message to his Facebook…

…and it has left many baffled

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