Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein’s Trip To Haiti Shows Us Once Again What A Generous Place Dubai Is


Princess Haya bint Al Hussein, wife of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, has flown to Haiti to personally deliver and oversee the distribution of aid supplies to those affected by Hurricane Matthew.

A total of 90 metric tonnes of supplies have gone out including mosquito nets, medical supplies, tents and water purification units. AED 1.29 million in aid was transported on His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid’s Boeing 747 and is expected to help over 300,000 people of the affected area. 

Dubai has become the largest and busiest logistics hub for humanitarian aid in the world. Kudos to all those who are involved in making a difference.

The aid

UAE flag draped across the cargo

Princess Haya bint Al Hussein in Haiti

The cargo being offloaded

Also read: UAE shines on the humanitarian front – it will welcome 15,000 Syrian refugees.

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