There’s A New Snapchat Update And UAE Residents Are Being Warned To Proceed With Caution


The TRA has issued a warning to residents about the new Snapchat features being added to the app, which show people’s locations and updates. 

The feature, called the Snap Map, reveals users’ locations on the map to the public. 

The TRA has released a statement warning residents to switch the locations off to retain privacy.

The statement said: 

“The risks of automatically providing a map of the users’ location without their knowledge “may lead to unaccounted consequences and breaches that harm the privacy of individuals as well as other negative consequences of automatic detection of users’ locations at the time of using the application.”

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“To avoid this, you need to make a simple change to your app settings, which people may overlook. A user who wants to be protected should modify the App setting by clicking the ‘Next’ button on the screen, then clicking on the ghost mode ‘me only’, and then clicking ‘Next’. This way, any circulated Snap will not show the user’s location on the interactive map.”

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