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You can talk about flash cars and ‘glam hotels in Dubai, but nothing is more luxurious than the feeling of safety.
And a survey has just revealed, the UAE tops the charts for a feeling of safety on the streets of Dubai.
The 2018 National Agenda Index shows 96.1% of residents feel safe walking outside at night, followed by island state Singapore with a safety rating of 94%, according to the Ministry of Interior.
The MOI revealed the positive results and scores achieved, including the ‘number of major crimes per hundred thousand people, reliance on Police services, number of deaths resulting from road accidents per hundred thousand people, response rates to emergencies, and civil defense indices including number of fires and deaths per hundred thousand people’.
The UAE’s emergence response time is second in the world, only to New York City. UAE emergency services are constantly working on improving this, and the high rating is thanks to the amazing emergency services in this country.
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