5% Of ALL COVID-19 Vaccines Globally Were Carried By Emirates

emirates vaccines

The UAE has been on top of vaccinating all its residents and so far 10 million vaccination doses have been administered. It’s a different story in other countries though. Realising the importance of the vaccine, Emirates carried out millions of doses to other countries in need.

Globally, around 1 billion doses of the vaccine have been administered. Emirates SkyCargo is responsible for shipping out 59 million doses to more than 50 countries around the world.

5% of all the COVID-19 vaccine globally, have been carried by Emirates

Among the 59 million doses of vaccines that have been carried by Emirates SkyCargo, 6 different types were on board

One out of every 20 vaccines administered worldwide have been transited through Dubai on Emirates planes. The air cargo safely and speedily delivered the vaccines to many destinations around the world since October 2020.

The SkyCargo has a dedicated GPD-certified facility that stored and transports COVID-19 vaccines from manufacturers to the desired location across six continents.

Dubai Airports and International Humanitarian City and Emirates SkyCargo joined forces to form the Dubai Vaccine Logistics Alliance in January 2021. Together, they work on rapidly transport the vaccines and related medical supplies from Dubai to developing countries.

One month later, Emirates SkyCargo and UNICEF worked together to safely transport the vaccines under the framework of COVAX facility.

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