UAE Authorities Condemn The Actions Of Qatari Fighter Jets After Interception Of Two Commercial Planes


The General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has condemned the Qatari fighter jets interception of two UAE registered commercials flying over Bahrain air space.

According to a report in, two Qatari fighter jets were flying in a reckless manner and approached two commercial airplanes in what was described as a ‘flagrant and serious threat to the civil aviation and air navigation safety’.

A pilot in one of the UAE commercial planes was forced into an emergency manoeuvre to avoid collision.

“The GCAA condemns such irresponsible acts against civilian air traffic on regular, scheduled service on flight-path known to ICAO and reiterates the UAE right to take all necessary actions, granted by the international law.”

Representative for the General Civil Aviation Authority

READ: What is the Qatar Fall Out?

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