Naughty Frank Is Taking Advantage Of The Weather And Is Moving Toyroom Outdoors

Hello hello, party people!

If you’ve clicked on this article, chances are, you’re one of the wild ones. Chances are, you’re also familiar with how much Lovin loves Frank and his non-stop litness.

But what you’re about to hear is that this Dubai nightclub is moving Monday nights to the great outdoors. Take the craziness, add a cup of lit AND you get this Toyroom @ HIVE takeover like no other. The new space is the same Toyroom you know and love with the neon colours, bold and iconic in every sense- except on a larger scale.

That’s right- Frank has decided to take Monday nights outdoors

Your favourite Monday Hip-Hop nights are ’bout to get SO much better because we’re taking the viiiibes out to HIVE, Soho Garden.

Don’t miss your fix of ‘grammable’ neons, awesome hip-hop tunes and all the usual mischief that Toy Room causes since this is a one day out of the week deal, and you still get your indoor moment during Thursdays and Saturdays.

Ain’t that fab?

Toyroom has been the go-to for crazy parties, sold-out shows with international artists and THIS move will elevate its game even MORE

Known for bringing the greatest in Hip-Hop, R&B and more, the February line-up is insaaane.

No seriously, keep a lookout for Toyroom’s IG account and stay updated.

You won’t want to miss out.

Naughty Frank invites you to go all out, especially for ladies night

Between 11 pm-1 am, ladies can indulge in free drinks at Naughty Frank’s playhouse.

Following the success of the grand outdoor venue at Soho Garden, called HIVE, the decision to bring Toyroom out for ONE night only is genius at most. Tell me you haven’t been thinking about how awesome it would’ve been to have this nightclub be outdoors?

Be there for its first night and catch revered Dubai DJs, the naughty bear mascot, and neon colours taken to the next level

BIGGER, BETTER, CRAZIER, outdoors but same Toyroom vibe we love. The dreeeeaam.

Mark this down: Monday, Feb 3, get ready for a LIT launch party with American singer Eric Bellinger performing live along with DJs Mr Levier and DJ Brooklyn on the decks. Yuzzah!

It’s going DOOOOWN at HIVE:

  • Frank’s ever-needed naughty presence. He’ll be at the ready for selfies, as always!
  • Art, neons, lights, 6 HUUUGE visual screens plus a bangin’ sound system so you really feel the music pumping through your veins
  • BEST part? Views of Dubai’s epic skyline from the bar.
  • Another BIIIGGG International artist coming in hot with Eric Bellinger LIVE

The only things you need to know:

Toyroom’s Monday nights will now take place at HIVE, Soho Garden

Location:  ? The Hive 

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