10 STUNNING Photos From Influencer Hala’s European Tour That Makes Us Want To Book A Flight ASAP


The fashionista and Instagram sensation from Saudi, Hala Abdullah, has grown more than a million following for her intriguing and empowering posts. She’s often attending international events an working with major fashion houses around the world.

That also means she gets to travel and live it all around Europe and share AMAZING photos for us to see…

1. She greeted London in a bright-colored green two-piece.


3. Stunning outfits in fabulous settings

4. She even gets to travel with other known bloggers like Ola Farahat



7. Riding horses and getting to do what she loves

8. …and soaking in different cultures!

9. And a little stop to Paris

10. and then heading back where she’s (mostly) based..Dubai.

You go girl!

READ MORE: 8 Reasons Why Saudi Influencer Hala Abdallah Is The Sister Everyone Wishes They Had


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