Residents Can Now Suggest Names For Dubai Roads And Streets

Farah Makhlouf

Dubai is always coming up with cool ways to include residents in something great and grand. Naming streets and roads in the Emirate is one!

Yep, you can now suggest names for roads and streets in Dubai

The Dubai Road Naming Committee launched a new platform called the Street Designation Proposal and it allows the public to propose names for roads and streets in Dubai. But of course, the suggestions need to be in accordance with approved classifications that revive heritage names and reflect the emirate’s history, heritage and values.

Your suggestions need to fall under a specific category

Let’s talk specifics because it may sound cool to have a street named after you but the chances of that happening are slim. The categories need to be linked to Arabic and Islamic design, nature, names of birds, marine, sustainability, ships, elements, archaeology, jewellery, horses, gemstones, and agriculture.

You can propose names for roads and streets through the platform link:

The committee completed naming the roads in Al Khawaneej 2 Area, which were inspired by local trees, plants, and flowers, such as Ghaf Street, one of the most famous types of local trees found in the UAE.

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