South Indian Actor Vijay’s Fans Got Excited After SPOTTING A Dubai Barbershop Using His Photo
Indian actor and singer Vijay Chandrasekhar, otherwise known as Vijay Talapathy, has been making rounds on Dubai Twitter and for one very peculiar reason.
In the Middle East, it’s not unlikely to see Zac Efron or Shahrukh Khan’s face be plastered at a gent’s barber shop signage. But it does intrigue fans when new faces pop up, and Vijay’s was the recent chosen one for a salon in Dubai.
Fans of the actor, who’s known for playing parts in Tamil movies, loved seeing his face at a Dubai barber shop
One fan tweeted: “South Indian actors craze in Dubai“
…along with a surprised emoji!
That tweet has now surpassed 500+ likes and 180+ retweets.
Goes to show how exciting it is when you see your favorite celeb on really ANYTHING
In the last week, user @TheVijayFC on Twitter was not alone in the sighting of the South Indian star’s face at a quaint little barber shop called On Time. Several other fans snapped up the pic and posted it on their accounts!
Vijay is known as the ‘Prince of Tamil Cinema’ or the ‘Megastar of Bollywood’
He is also considered the highest paid actor in Tamil cinema, known for legendary roles like Azaghiya Tamil Magan and Thirumalai, among SO many other movies.
Are you a Vijay fan?
Sound off in the comments!
READ MORE:Â Read This Advisory From The DHA If You Plan On Traveling Out Of Dubai This Summer
Things to know before you travel:
- Make sure you have both doses of the COVID 19 vaccine (safer, the better!)
- Choose a low-risk destination (online offers all this info, one quick Google search!)
- Book an appt at the Traveler’s Clinic to know all the risks that might come up in your chosen travel spot. Climate issues, infectious diseases, their health and security systems and etc
- Always make sure you’re updated on the travel destination’s regulation and procedures
- Choose a hotel that strictly complies with COVID measures
- Always keep a stock of the essentials around: sanitisers, masks and etc
Read the rest here.
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