The ‘Dubai Can’ Initiative Has Cut Down 7 Million Single-Use Plastic Bottles In One Year

Farah Makhlouf

Surely everyone can agree Dubai is doing a lot of amazing things to become greener by encouraging residents to carry reusable shopping bags and refillable water bottles.

It’s been one year since the ‘Dubai Can’ sustainability movement launched and success doesn’t begin to describe how the journey’s been so far. The water dispensers can be found all across the city, in 50 different locations.

Since its launch on February 15, 2022, ‘Dubai Can’ has saved 7 million 500ml single-use plastic bottles

The initiative has encouraged residents and tourists to adopt more sustainable behaviours

‘Dubai Can’ has inspired significant change at both the individual and community levels, with its objective of increasing awareness of the harmful effects of single-use plastics and promoting the use of reusable bottles. Many private companies in Dubai have been inspired by Dubai Can to install water fountains in their offices, reducing single-use plastics in the workplace.

The Dubai Can initiative is in line with Dubai’s commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and becoming a fully sustainable destination, especially since the city is the host of COP28 this year.

The campaign has entered its second year and has become a driving force for the city’s sustainability strategy, aligned with the ban on single-use plastic bags, which came into effect on June 1, 2022.

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