The UAE Uncovered A New Anti-UAE Terror Organisation Linked To Muslim Brotherhood

Farah Makhlouf

UAE investigations revealed a secret organization operating abroad, connected to a terror organisation which was dissolved in 2013 called “Reform Call”. This new organisation was created to revive the previous group and pursue similar objectives.

The new organisation has been actively involved in anti-UAE demonstrations and targeting the country with smear campaigns

The group was receiving funds from other terrorist groups and organisations outside the country and it was also partly funded by sources within the UAE. It established alliances with other terrorist groups and posed as charitable or intellectual organizations. Notably, the Cordoba Foundation (TCF), led by Anas Altikriti of the Muslim Brotherhood, is involved. TCF, presents itself as a Middle Eastern Think Tank however it has been classified as a terrorist organization since 2014.

Their activities include smear campaigns, promoting hate speech, spreading discord, financing terrorism, money laundering, and cooperating with foreign intelligence to destabilize the UAE

They also targeted UAE institutions, questioned human rights records, and used fake online accounts to influence public opinion. The Public Prosecution is conducting investigations based on confessions from an arrested member and findings from the State Security Department & The Public Prosecution is expected to release details of the terrorist organisation and its crimes upon the completion of these investigations.

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