Ferrari Driver Mohaamed Hamdi Talks Details About Rescuing An Elderly Man From Drowning Amidst Dubai Floods


The UAE recently experienced its most significant recorded storm, causing widespread disruption as roads, houses, and malls were forced to close.

Mohammed Hamdi, a Ferrari driver, gained attention on social media for his heroic act of rescuing an elderly man from drowning.

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In an interview with The Lovin Dubai Show, Mohammed recounted his harrowing experience. ‘It was scary,’ he admitted. ‘As I drove through the flooded streets, I noticed a car struggling ahead.’

Stopping without hesitation, he shouted to the driver, ensuring his safety. ‘I couldn’t just pass by,’ he explained. ‘I had to help.’

Asked how he managed to prioritize others in such a dire situation, Mohammed credited his quick thinking to his experience as a Ferrari driver. ‘Split-second decisions are part of my job,’ he noted. ‘I’ve trained myself to react swiftly to danger.


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