The Man Detained For The Nude Photoshoot In Dubai Now Has COVID -19

Vitality Grechin

Vitaliy Grechin, the man behind the infamous nude Dubai balcony shoot, is currently in a COVID detention facility in Dubai after testing positive for COVID-19.

The 41-year-old has now described the events that led to the shoot, viral images, and subsequent arrests of all involved.

Grechin told the Daily Mail that he apologised for the shoot, which contravened UAE law. He added that the shoot was impromptu, unplanned, and not created as a publicity stunt. The women did come to Dubai on an all-expenses-paid trip (paid for by Grechin to the sum of $10,000k) however, he added there was no offense intended by the shoot.

Grechin reportedly paid thousands of dirhams to secure the release of the women who posed naked on a balcony in Dubai

“A spur of the moment decision”

In the interview, he denies all claims that the images were taken with the intention to release on an adult website, illegal here in the UAE.

He said the photoshoot was impromptu, following a suggestion of one of the women to snap a pic, and the rest followed.

“It happened within a minute. One girl said ‘I’m going to take a picture’, and then it was “Me too”, “Me too”, “Me too”.

Vitaliy via The Daily Mail

Grechin is an American of Ukrainian descent and has connections in high places

Images from Facebook / Twitter

He served jail time and is now in a detention facility after testing positive for COVID-19

The shoot was never intended to be seen beyond the group, there was no motive to create pornography, as some reports claimed and those accusations have been dropped by authorities.

However, once the women posed from the Dubai Marina balcony, wildly visible to surrounding apartments, the secret was out. Images and photos of the shoot went viral within hours. Dubai authorities stepped in and apprehended the people involved for unacceptable behavior which does not reflect the values and ethics of Emirati society.

Grechin has been moved from jail to a COVID holding facility, and his April 15 release was pushed back after he tested positive for the virus.

Along with the apology, Grechin adds his regret for the incident, which resulted in the brief incarceration of all women prior to their deportation.

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