Dubai Pet Owners Issued With A List Of Violations To Be Aware Of


This afternoon, residents in Dubai received a notification from authorities regarding violations related to pet owners.

It’s worth noting that the list is not new, however, it’s a reminder to pet parents of the rules in place in certain communities. There are nine violations in total starting with ‘failure of registration and vaccination of the dog at the competent authority’.

The notification warns pet parents they have three working days to register and vaccinate the dog, followed by an AED200 fine for lack of compliance. The third action will be the confiscation of the dog.

See the full list of violations pet parents should be aware of

The fines range from AED200 to AED5,000 with ‘confiscation of the dog’ as one of the strictest penalties

  1. Failure of registration and vaccination of the dog at the competent authority
  2. Violation of animal welfare laws and regulations
  3. Breeding or selling dog breeds prohibited by the competent authorities
  4. Taking the dog to areas where dogs are prohibited by order of the concerned authorities or management (including but not limited to parks, beaches, and shopping malls)
  5. Failure to put an appropriate mask and/or leash on the dog when exercising or accompanying it in a public place
  6. Failure to take necessary measures to prevent the dog from harming other persons or properties
  7. Failure to clean up after the dog and dispose of it in the right place
  8. Display dog for sale or adoption over the internet without obtaining the required license
  9. Allowing dog/dogs to go stray or otherwise neglect it

Read next: The Top 10 Places For Doggy Daycare In Dubai 2021

Read it here

This was not an easy list to make!

Doggy daycare in Dubai is big business, and there are many local businesses that go above and beyond for our beloved pooches each and every day

Not just babysitting service for doggies; if you’re looking for a five-star hotel, rooms with a TV, indoor AC parks, pools, beaches, live feeds for you to snoop, and more, daycare in Dubai is SO extra and there are heaps of care options to suit your needs.

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