Reports: Failed Electrics On A Coffee Machine Caused The Fire On The Palm


There has been a lot of speculation about what caused the fire earlier this week. Claims have been made about cigarettes setting alight to furniture, however there has been multiple witnesses that have said that it was due to a coffee machine wiring fault. It started in the penthouse apartment of a British expatriate who owns a number of properties in the city. 

A neighbour said: “I spoke to him when everyone was evacuated and he could barely get his words out. He said there was a fault with the electrics and the fire started from his coffee machine.

“We are all in shock. I have tried to go back to check on my apartment but there is still too much smoke and everything is dirty and covered in soot.”

Marina Stoponje is an artist who was living in the same building. “I was just shocked as I watched how easily the building went up in fire,” she said. “I was at home at the time and the security staff were ringing all the doors.

“It was only then I saw the black smoke outside. I went to the West 14th bar and watched the fire from there in shock. The building went up in flames like it was made of paper. It spread very fast and was hard to see.

“I am lucky that my paintings and sculptures were not damaged. I have white marble sculptures which are covered in soot but hopefully they can be cleaned.”

The fire was maintained and brought under control but a series of explosions caused it to reignite and then spread. After the initial fire, residents were moved to the Fairmont hotel for their safety. It is reported that nearly one in five of the 193 fires in Dubai in 2014 were caused by electrical short circuits. Hundreds of residents are currently homeless.

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