A Dubai Lady Is Bravely Documenting Her Journey With Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

A Dubai Lady Is Bravely Documenting Her Journey With Breast Cancer

My name is Sian Moss. I am 29 years old and I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Here I am celebrating my 29th birthday – You’d never know that just 5 days before I’d been diagnosed with cancer. Life goes on my friends! 💪🏽

Sian is 29 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer in June, five days before her 29th birthday. Since that moment she has undergone 15 rounds of chemo here in the UAE, without her family who are based in the UK, she was unable to travel due to the UK being on the Redlist.

She shared her journey so her family and friends could stay up to date, to raise awareness for breast cancer in younger women, and to share what she learned throughout the process. The account is extremely positive, and while cancer is scary, Sian says:

I’m not scared at all. I want to share my positive outlook on this with as many people as possible. This cancer isn’t going to know what has hit it!

“15 rounds of chemo has never looked so good”


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As well as being a warning to check your breasts, her informative posts also act as a comfort to anyone going through the same journey

After the events of the MRI on Thursday, I had mentally prepared myself for my next scan. 😂 The purpose of a PET scan is to again see if the cancer has spread. It uses a radioactive substance and can identify areas that may have been missed in an MRI – clever!

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Sian admits that while the chemo journey is ending, she might even miss it

So happy for my chemo journey to nearly be over! But I’ll genuinely miss going to the hospital on a Wednesday! I love all of my nurses and doctors so much and I’ll really miss seeing them! Chemo is also a massive security blanket at the moment! I know the drugs are doing their job and killing the cancer cells! So it’s a bit daunting to think that security is going to stop soon. BUT I’m so ready to move on to the next stage and get this devil out of me! 😂👹


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Sian has amazing things to say about the Kings Hospital London and, in particular Dr Bello who worked with her closely

We had the loveliest afternoon on Friday launching the breast support unit at @kingscollegehospitallondon 💕
Watch this space for more events to come! 💕


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She also shares helpful reminders to ladies… Check your breasts!

Breastcaner.org offers helpful tips to check your breasts right here


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And she shares helpful tips for breast cancer symptoms


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It’s amazing to see Sian share her story in a positive and informative way

Want to share your support? Follow sian_knows_breast here and tell her yourself.

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