Team Angel Wolf Cycle A Dubai To Istanbul Distance To Promote Inclusion

Team Angel Wolf

This is one more inspiring story Team Angel Wolf duo Nick and Rio Watson, an incredible father and son who have just achieved one of their most challenging goals yet.

They crossed the finish line together, marking the completion of their epic 3,075km inclusive bike ride around Al Qudra. And what makes this achievement even more remarkable is that they surpassed their initial target of cycling 100kms every single day for an impressive 30 consecutive days!

This awe-inspiring adventure, known as the #RideWithRio cycling challenge, was undertaken by Team AngelWolf. This dedicated family, consisting of Nick, Delphine, Tia, and Rio Watson, established Team AngelWolf as a licensed non-profit foundation with a mission to promote ‘Inclusive Impactivity.’ Through their latest endeavor, they aimed to spread this powerful message even further.

During this remarkable journey, 53-year-old Nick pedaled alongside his 20-year-old son, Rio, who has disabilities. Rio comfortably sat in an accessible seat at the front of their specially adapted 35kg bike, making it possible for them to ride together for more than 130 hours.

The bond between father and son, coupled with their determination and resilience, made this feat truly extraordinary

Nick and Rio covered the same distance as cycling from Dubai to Istanbul in Turkey (3,075km), climbed the equivalent height of Mount Everest (8,849m) and consumed over 55,000 calories together to get the job done

“Every challenge we take on as a family is driven by our commitment to create a more inclusive community, both locally and globally. The RideWithRio challenge was extremely demanding and required us to start cycling every day at 3am. But it was as rewarding as it was tough, not only because Rio enjoyed it, but because it underpins our message that anyone and everyone can participate in sport and inclusive community activities.”

Nick, Team Angel Wolf

To learn more about Team Angel Wolf, schools are invited to take part in the ‘WolfPack Impact Talks

The inspirational talks aim to promote inclusion within the community and cover the story of Rio and how Team AngelWolf came to be.

Sponsorships towards the WolfPack Impact Talks are still open to both individuals and companies, with packages starting at 50AED.

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