Dubai Waves Goodbye To Streetside Taxi Hailing & Plan To Push E-Bookings


It looks like the good ole’ days of hailing a taxi from the side of the road may soon be a thing of the past in Dubai. The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), want to get 80% of their taxis booked through their Hala e-hailing service.

Back in 2022, Hala services accounted for almost a third of all taxi trips in Dubai. They plan to expand the service using the Careem mobile app, so that most of the rides can be booked online in the future.

This switch will aim to reduce waiting times to less than three and a half minutes, cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions, and save on wasted mileage. Plus, it’s in line with Dubai’s goal of becoming the world’s smartest city

Mattar Al Tayer, the RTA’s Director-General clarified that,

The expansion of taxi e-hail services, as opposed to street hailing, reinforces the government’s goal of transforming Dubai into the world’s smartest city.

E-hailing has emerged as the most efficient means of matching taxi supply with demand and providing customers with hassle-free, efficient taxi services.

Al Tayer added that,

This step aligns with the worldwide shift in urban transportation planning…

The service boosts the efficiency of taxi operations in Dubai by streamlining the process of locating and booking rides electronically.

Overall, this shift in transportation planning will decrease the dependence on private cars and boost customer satisfaction. Plus, it’s a great way to modernize our taxi system!

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